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A product feed response tells you if all the data in a product feed was processed successfully or not. The following table explains the elements or fields in the product feed response file.

Sample response files:

Note: The fields in the table below are ordered according to their order in the CSV file. The parent is provided for XML fields in order to make it easier to locate that field in the XML file.

Field name



XML: productDetail.SKU

The product's Stock Keeping Unit value, defined by the seller to identify the product. This value must be unique across the seller's inventory on each eBay marketplace.

Occurrence: Always Returned

Max length: 50

CSV: Group ID

XML: productDetail.groupID

The unique identifier for a product group that is used for a multiple-variation listing. This field will only be returned for SKUs that are assigned to a product group.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

Max length: 50

CSV: Locale

XML: productDetail.locale

Specifies the language used for data in the listing. The default language of the eBay marketplace is used if this field is not supplied in the input file. Values include en_US, en_GB, es_ES, fr_FR, and others. See Locale enumerated values for full list.

Occurrence: Always Returned


XML: productDetail.ePID

eBay-generated product identifier (ePID) for the seller's product.

CSV: listable

XML: productDetail.Listable

Indicates if the product has all the product attributes required for creating an eBay listing.

Type: boolean value (true or false)

CSV: categoryAssigned

XML: productDetail.CategoryAssigned

Indicates if the product has a category assigned..

Type: boolean value (true or false)

CSV: categoriesAssigned

XML: Not returned in XML response

Indicates the product categories assigned, such as 109684.

CSV: missingProperties

XML: Not returned in XML response

An identifier of missing property, such as a missing MPN.

CSV: invalidProperties

XML: Not returned in XML response

An identifier of invalid properties.

CSV: invalidFields

XML: productDetail.InvalidFields

An identifier of fields that have invalid information, such as TITLE.

CSV: Channel ID

XML: productDetail.channelID

The unique identifier of the eBay marketplace where the SKU is/will be listed. Values include EBAY_US, EBAY_GB, EBAY_DE, and others. See Marketplace enumerated values for full list.

Channel ID is an optional field in regular Product feeds (CSV ad XML), so it will only be returned if set in the input file.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

CSV: Item ID

XML: productDetail.itemID

The unique identifier of the listing where the SKU is being offered. If a SKU was not created/updated successfully, and is not currently in an active listing, this field is not returned.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

CSV: Status

XML: productDetail.status

The value in this field indicates whether the SKU was successfully uploaded/updated in MIP. Valid values are SUCCESS: and FAILED. For SKUs with FAILED, there is generally an error message include in the response file.

Occurrence: Always Returned

CSV: Message Type

XML: messageInfo.messageType

The type of error or warning. This field is only returned if there was an issue creating or updating the SKU.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

CSV: Message ID

XML: messageInfo.messageID

The unique identifier of the error or warning. This field is only returned if there was an issue creating or updating the SKU.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

CSV: Message

XML: messageInfo.message

The actual text of the error or warning. This field is only returned if there was an issue creating or updating the SKU. This field can include information about errors and how to correct them.

Occurrence: Conditionally Returned

Additional container in XML response

In addition to the fields called out in the table above, the feed response file will also have a feedSummary container. See XML feedSummary container for details.