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When I try to list an Item, I get the following error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AddItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ShortMessage>Unregistered user or registration not confirmed.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>Unregistered users or users who have not completed their registration can not complete this request.</LongMessage>
<ShortMessage>No Seller Account</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>No Seller Account</LongMessage>
How can I fix this?
After creating an account, you need to set it up as a seller account.
To set up a seller account on Production:
To set up a seller account on Sandbox:
Sandbox does not go through the verification and validation as the production, since it is a test environment. The easiest way to create and setup an account as a seller account at the same time, use the eBay Sandbox User Registration . If you have already created an account, then you can make use of the API call ValidateTestUserRegistration to set up the account as a seller account.
Additional Resources
- Knowledge Base Articles:
Why do I receive a Credit Card error when registering a Sandbox seller?
Test sellers for the Sandbox Environment