eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

PaymentStatusCodeType ( token )

Type defining the values that can be returned in the eBayPaymentStatus field of order management calls. These values indicate the current status of the buyer's payment for an order.

Types that use PaymentStatusCodeType:

Calls that use one or more values of PaymentStatusCodeType:

Enumeration Values

Value Description
BuyerFailedPaymentReportedBySeller This value indicates that the seller reported the buyer's offline payment as failed. This enumeration value would only be applicable for a sales transaction that occurred off of eBay's platform.
CustomCode Reserved for internal or future use.
NoPaymentFailure This value indicates that the buyer's payment for the order has cleared. A CheckoutStatus.eBayPaymentStatus value of 'NoPaymentFailure' and a CheckoutStatus.Status value of 'Complete' indicates that checkout is complete.
PaymentInProcess This value indicates that the buyer's payment is in process, but has not yet cleared.

Note: This value may also get returned for a sales transaction that occurred off of eBay's platform, and the payment status may stay in this state unless the seller marks the order as paid.
  * See the Enumeration Index to see exact use of each enumeration value in the API.