eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

GetFeedbackResponseType ( AbstractResponseType )

The GetFeedback response contains the feedback summary if a TransactionID or ItemID is specified, and contains the specified user's total feedback score and feedback summary data if a UserID is specified. If no value is supplied, the feedback score and feedback summary for the requesting user will be returned.
If a detail level value of ReturnAll is specified, an array of all feedback records will be returned.

Call that uses GetFeedbackResponseType:


EntriesPerPage ( int ) [0..1]
Indicates the number of Feedback records that are set to be returned per page of data (i.e., per call). The EntriesPerPage value defaults to 25 if the Pagination.EntriesPerPage field is not set in the request.

This field is always returned even if the response is not showing any Feedback entries.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EntriesPerPage.

FeedbackDetailArray ( FeedbackDetailArrayType ) [0..1]
Contains the individual Feedback records for the user or order line item specified in the request. There is one FeedbackDetail container returned for each Feedback record. Only populated with data when a detail level of ReturnAll is specified in the request. Not returned if you specify a FeedbackID in the request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use FeedbackDetailArray.

FeedbackDetailItemTotal ( int ) [0..1]
Indicates the total number of Feedback records returned in the the response. Only applicable if Feedback details are returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use FeedbackDetailItemTotal.

FeedbackScore ( int ) [0..1]
Indicates the total Feedback score for the user.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use FeedbackScore.

FeedbackSummary ( FeedbackSummaryType ) [0..1]
Summary Feedback data for the user. Contains counts of positive, neutral, and negative Feedback for pre-defined time periods. Only applicable if Feedback details are returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use FeedbackSummary.

PageNumber ( int ) [0..1]
Indicates the page of data that is currently displaying. The page number to display is set in the Pagination.PageNumber field in the request. If this field is omitted, the PageNumber value defaults to 1 (first page of Feedback entries). If the integer value input into the Pagination.PageNumber field in the request is higher than the total number of available pages, the call fails with an error.

This field is always returned even if the response is not showing any Feedback entries.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use PageNumber.

PaginationResult ( PaginationResultType ) [0..1]
Contains information regarding the pagination of data, including the total number of Feedback entries and the total number of pages required to show all of these Feedback entries. The total number of pages is dependent on the Pagination.EntriesPerPage value (if set). The EntriesPerPage value defaults to 25 if the Pagination.EntriesPerPage field is not used.

If the call request returns no Feedback entries because there are none, or because the DetailLevel field was not included and set to ReturnAll, the PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfPages and PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfEntries fields are still returned, but with values of 0.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use PaginationResult.