eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


Use this call to retrieve the available meta-data for the specified eBay site. By storing the information, you can keep your applications up to date with the latest details. In addition, you can use GeteBayDetails to look up site information instead referring to the documentation or the eBay online help system.

You can also use GeteBayDetails to get the links to the eBay Content Logos, which you might be required to display in your applications per your API License Agreement.

Usage Details

Call GeteBayDetails without any input fields to get the complete set of meta-data for the site whose ID you provide in the request header. To retrieve specific site information, use DetailName elements. See GeteBayDetails Best Practices for how to programmatically obtain the supported DetailName input values.

Upon successful execution, GeteBayDetails returns meta-data on the specified DetailName fields. An unsuccessful call returns an error construct. However, if your call results in a warning, the result set will contain normal data along with an error construct outlining the warning.

Best Practices

The following sections list several hints and suggestions for working with GeteBayDetails.

Retrieving eBay Meta-Data Details

If you call GeteBayDetails without supplying a DetailName field, eBay returns the complete set of meta-data for the site specified in the request header. The top-level fields returned in the result set list the possible values you can use with DetailName). This gives you a programmatic way to determine the supported DetailName input values.

Change the site ID header value to view details for different sites. To determine the available site ID values for which you can request GeteBayDetails data, call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to SiteDetails.

It is recommended that you call GeteBayDetails once per week for each pertinent site ID and store the returned data for ease of lookup.

Other Sources of Meta-data Sets and Specialized Data

In addition to GeteBayDetails, you can use several other methods to get eBay site meta-data:

Optimizing Your Calls

The amount of data returned from a call depends on the listed DetailName values. Call GeteBayDetails without a DetailName value to retrieve all the information available for the specified site, or use DetailName fields to filter the information returned.


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that could be included in the call request. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are (or soon will be) non-operational.

The XML prototype does not include requester credentials. This is a documentation limitation only (see Standard Requester Credentials for Making Calls).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GeteBayDetailsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Input Fields -->
  <DetailName> DetailNameCodeType </DetailName>
  <!-- ... more DetailName values allowed here ... -->
  <!-- Standard Input Fields -->
  <ErrorLanguage> string </ErrorLanguage>
  <MessageID> string </MessageID>
  <Version> string </Version>
  <WarningLevel> WarningLevelCodeType </WarningLevel>
Argument Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Input Fields [Jump to standard fields]
DetailName DetailNameCodeType Optional,
repeatable: [0..*]
One or more DetailName fields may be used to control the the type of metadata that is returned in the response. If no DetailName fields are used, all metadata will be returned in the response. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the metadata that can be returned with GeteBayDetails by reading through the enumeration values in DetailNameCodeType.

Applicable values: See DetailName.
Standard Input Fields  
ErrorLanguage string Optional Use ErrorLanguage to return error strings for the call in a different language from the language commonly associated with the site that the requesting user is registered with. Below are some examples from different countries.

ID Country
en_AU Australia
de_AT Austria
nl_BE Belgium (Dutch)
fr_BE Belgium (French)
en_CA Canada
fr_CA Canada (French)
zh_CN China
fr_FR France
de_DE Germany
zh_HK Hong Kong
en_IN India
en_IE Ireland
it_IT Italy
nl_NL Netherlands
en_SG Singapore
es_ES Spain
de_CH Switzerland
en_GB United Kingdom
en_US United States
MessageID string Optional Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned.

Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable.
Version string Conditional The version number of the API code that you are programming against (e.g., 1149). The version you specify for a call has these basic effects:
  • It indicates the version of the code lists and other data that eBay should use to process your request.
  • It indicates the schema version you are using.
You need to use a version that is greater than or equal to the lowest supported version.
For the SOAP API: If you are using the SOAP API, this field is required. Specify the version of the WSDL your application is using.

For the XML API: If you are using the XML API, this field has no effect. Instead, specify the version in the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP header. (If you specify Version in the body of an XML API request and it is different from the value in the HTTP header, eBay returns an informational warning that the value in the HTTP header was used instead.)

    HTTP headers
    eBay Schema Versioning Strategy
    Lowest Supported Version

WarningLevel WarningLevelCodeType Optional Controls whether or not to return warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in a request.

An unrecognized element is one that is not defined in any supported version of the schema. Schema element names are case-sensitive, so using WarningLevel can also help you remove any potential hidden bugs within your application due to incorrect case or spelling in field names before you put your application into the Production environment.

WarningLevel only validates elements; it doesn't validate XML attributes. It also doesn't control warnings related to user-entered strings or numbers, or warnings for logical errors.

We recommend that you only use this during development and debugging. Do not use this in requests performed in the Production environment.

Applicable values:

(in) The WarningLevel value is set to High if the user wishes to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. Setting the WarningLevel value to High is not recommended in a production environment. Instead, it should only be used during the development/debugging stage.
(in) The WarningLevel value is set to Low if the user does not wish to receive warnings when the application passes unrecognized or deprecated elements in an API call request. This is the default value if WarningLevel is not specified in the call request.

See Warning Level.


See also Samples.

The box below lists all fields that might be returned in the response. To learn more about an individual field or its type, click its name in the box (or scroll down to find it in the table below the box).

See also the Deprecated Objects link above. Fields presented in this color are deprecated, and fields presented in this color are not returned (or soon will not be returned) or are not operational (or soon will be non-operational).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GeteBayDetailsResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <!-- Call-specific Output Fields -->
  <BuyerRequirementDetails> SiteBuyerRequirementDetailsType
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <LinkedPayPalAccount> boolean </LinkedPayPalAccount>
    <MaximumBuyerPolicyViolations> MaximumBuyerPolicyViolationsDetailsType
      <NumberOfPolicyViolations> NumberOfPolicyViolationsDetailsType </NumberOfPolicyViolations>
      <PolicyViolationDuration> PolicyViolationDurationDetailsType </PolicyViolationDuration>
      <!-- ... more PolicyViolationDuration nodes allowed here ... -->
    <MaximumItemRequirements> MaximumItemRequirementsDetailsType
      <MaximumItemCount> int </MaximumItemCount>
      <!-- ... more MaximumItemCount values allowed here ... -->
      <MinimumFeedbackScore> int </MinimumFeedbackScore>
      <!-- ... more MinimumFeedbackScore values allowed here ... -->
    <MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesInfo> MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesInfoDetailsType
      <MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesCount> MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesCountDetailsType
        <Count> int </Count>
        <!-- ... more Count values allowed here ... -->
      <MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesDuration> MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesDurationDetailsType
        <Description> string </Description>
        <Period> PeriodCodeType </Period>
      <!-- ... more MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesDuration nodes allowed here ... -->
    <MinimumFeedbackScore> MinimumFeedbackScoreDetailsType </MinimumFeedbackScore>
    <ShipToRegistrationCountry> boolean </ShipToRegistrationCountry>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more BuyerRequirementDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <CountryDetails> CountryDetailsType
    <Country> CountryCodeType </Country>
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more CountryDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <CurrencyDetails> CurrencyDetailsType
    <Currency> CurrencyCodeType </Currency>
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more CurrencyDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <DispatchTimeMaxDetails> DispatchTimeMaxDetailsType
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <DispatchTimeMax> int </DispatchTimeMax>
    <ExtendedHandling> boolean </ExtendedHandling>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more DispatchTimeMaxDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ExcludeShippingLocationDetails> ExcludeShippingLocationDetailsType
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <Location> string </Location>
    <Region> string </Region>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more ExcludeShippingLocationDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ItemSpecificDetails> ItemSpecificDetailsType
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <MaxCharactersPerName> int </MaxCharactersPerName>
    <MaxCharactersPerValue> int </MaxCharactersPerValue>
    <MaxItemSpecificsPerItem> int </MaxItemSpecificsPerItem>
    <MaxValuesPerName> int </MaxValuesPerName>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more ItemSpecificDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ListingFeatureDetails> ListingFeatureDetailsType
    <BoldTitle> BoldTitleCodeType </BoldTitle>
    <Border> BorderCodeType (token) </Border>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <FeaturedFirst> FeaturedFirstCodeType </FeaturedFirst>
    <FeaturedPlus> FeaturedPlusCodeType </FeaturedPlus>
    <GiftIcon> GiftIconCodeType (token) </GiftIcon>
    <Highlight> HighlightCodeType (token) </Highlight>
    <HomePageFeatured> HomePageFeaturedCodeType </HomePageFeatured>
    <ProPack> ProPackCodeType (token) </ProPack>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more ListingFeatureDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ListingStartPriceDetails> ListingStartPriceDetailsType
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <ListingType> ListingTypeCodeType </ListingType>
    <MinBuyItNowPricePercent> float </MinBuyItNowPricePercent>
    <StartPrice currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType (double) </StartPrice>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more ListingStartPriceDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <PaymentOptionDetails> PaymentOptionDetailsType
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <PaymentOption> BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType </PaymentOption>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more PaymentOptionDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ProductDetails> ProductDetailsType
    <ProductIdentifierUnavailableText> string </ProductIdentifierUnavailableText>
  <RecoupmentPolicyDetails> RecoupmentPolicyDetailsType
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <EnforcedOnListingSite> boolean </EnforcedOnListingSite>
    <EnforcedOnRegistrationSite> boolean </EnforcedOnRegistrationSite>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more RecoupmentPolicyDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <RegionDetails> RegionDetailsType </RegionDetails>
  <!-- ... more RegionDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <RegionOfOriginDetails> RegionOfOriginDetailsType </RegionOfOriginDetails>
  <!-- ... more RegionOfOriginDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ReturnPolicyDetails> ReturnPolicyDetailsType
    <Description> boolean </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <Refund> RefundDetailsType
      <Description> string </Description>
      <RefundOption> token </RefundOption>
    <!-- ... more Refund nodes allowed here ... -->
    <ReturnsAccepted> ReturnsAcceptedDetailsType
      <Description> string </Description>
      <ReturnsAcceptedOption> token </ReturnsAcceptedOption>
    <!-- ... more ReturnsAccepted nodes allowed here ... -->
    <ReturnsWithin> ReturnsWithinDetailsType
      <Description> string </Description>
      <ReturnsWithinOption> token </ReturnsWithinOption>
    <!-- ... more ReturnsWithin nodes allowed here ... -->
    <ShippingCostPaidBy> ShippingCostPaidByDetailsType
      <Description> string </Description>
      <ShippingCostPaidByOption> token </ShippingCostPaidByOption>
    <!-- ... more ShippingCostPaidBy nodes allowed here ... -->
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <ShippingCarrierDetails> ShippingCarrierDetailsType
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <ShippingCarrier> ShippingCarrierCodeType </ShippingCarrier>
    <ShippingCarrierID> int </ShippingCarrierID>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more ShippingCarrierDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ShippingCategoryDetails> ShippingCategoryDetailsType
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <ShippingCategory> token </ShippingCategory>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more ShippingCategoryDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ShippingLocationDetails> ShippingLocationDetailsType
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <ShippingLocation> string </ShippingLocation>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more ShippingLocationDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ShippingPackageDetails> ShippingPackageDetailsType
    <DefaultValue> boolean </DefaultValue>
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <DimensionsSupported> boolean </DimensionsSupported>
    <PackageID> int </PackageID>
    <ShippingPackage> ShippingPackageCodeType </ShippingPackage>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more ShippingPackageDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <ShippingServiceDetails> ShippingServiceDetailsType
    <CostGroupFlat> token </CostGroupFlat>
    <DeprecationDetails> AnnouncementMessageType
      <AnnouncementStartTime> dateTime </AnnouncementStartTime>
      <EventTime> dateTime </EventTime>
      <MessageType> AnnouncementMessageCodeType </MessageType>
    <!-- ... more DeprecationDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
    <Description> string </Description>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <DimensionsRequired> boolean </DimensionsRequired>
    <ExpeditedService> boolean </ExpeditedService>
    <InternationalService> boolean </InternationalService>
    <MappedToShippingServiceID> int </MappedToShippingServiceID>
    <ServiceType> ShippingTypeCodeType </ServiceType>
    <!-- ... more ServiceType values allowed here ... -->
    <ShippingCarrier> ShippingCarrierCodeType </ShippingCarrier>
    <!-- ... more ShippingCarrier values allowed here ... -->
    <ShippingCategory> token </ShippingCategory>
    <ShippingPackage> ShippingPackageCodeType </ShippingPackage>
    <!-- ... more ShippingPackage values allowed here ... -->
    <ShippingService> token </ShippingService>
    <ShippingServiceID> int </ShippingServiceID>
    <ShippingServicePackageDetails> ShippingServicePackageDetailsType
      <DimensionsRequired> boolean </DimensionsRequired>
      <Name> ShippingPackageCodeType </Name>
    <!-- ... more ShippingServicePackageDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
    <ShippingTimeMax> int </ShippingTimeMax>
    <ShippingTimeMin> int </ShippingTimeMin>
    <SurchargeApplicable> boolean </SurchargeApplicable>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
    <ValidForSellingFlow> boolean </ValidForSellingFlow>
    <WeightRequired> boolean </WeightRequired>
  <!-- ... more ShippingServiceDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <SiteDetails> SiteDetailsType
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <Site> SiteCodeType </Site>
    <SiteID> int </SiteID>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more SiteDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <TaxJurisdiction> TaxJurisdictionType
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <JurisdictionID> string </JurisdictionID>
    <JurisdictionName> string </JurisdictionName>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more TaxJurisdiction nodes allowed here ... -->
  <TimeZoneDetails> TimeZoneDetailsType
    <DaylightSavingsInEffect> boolean </DaylightSavingsInEffect>
    <DaylightSavingsLabel> string </DaylightSavingsLabel>
    <DaylightSavingsOffset> string </DaylightSavingsOffset>
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <StandardLabel> string </StandardLabel>
    <StandardOffset> string </StandardOffset>
    <TimeZoneID> string </TimeZoneID>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- ... more TimeZoneDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <URLDetails> URLDetailsType
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
    <URL> anyURI </URL>
    <URLType> URLTypeCodeType </URLType>
  <!-- ... more URLDetails nodes allowed here ... -->
  <VariationDetails> VariationDetailsType
    <DetailVersion> string </DetailVersion>
    <MaxNamesPerVariationSpecificsSet> int </MaxNamesPerVariationSpecificsSet>
    <MaxValuesPerVariationSpecificsSetName> int </MaxValuesPerVariationSpecificsSetName>
    <MaxVariationsPerItem> int </MaxVariationsPerItem>
    <UpdateTime> dateTime </UpdateTime>
  <!-- Standard Output Fields -->
  <Ack> AckCodeType </Ack>
  <Build> string </Build>
  <CorrelationID> string </CorrelationID>
  <Errors> ErrorType
    <ErrorClassification> ErrorClassificationCodeType </ErrorClassification>
    <ErrorCode> token </ErrorCode>
    <ErrorParameters ParamID="string"> ErrorParameterType
      <Value> string </Value>
    <!-- ... more ErrorParameters nodes allowed here ... -->
    <LongMessage> string </LongMessage>
    <SeverityCode> SeverityCodeType </SeverityCode>
    <ShortMessage> string </ShortMessage>
  <!-- ... more Errors nodes allowed here ... -->
  <HardExpirationWarning> string </HardExpirationWarning>
  <Timestamp> dateTime </Timestamp>
  <Version> string </Version>
Return Value Type Occurrence Meaning
Call-specific Output Fields [Jump to standard fields]
BuyerRequirementDetails SiteBuyerRequirementDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the threshold values that can be passed in through the BuyerRequirementDetails container in the Add/Revise/Relist API calls. Buyer Requirements allow the seller to block buyers who have unpaid item defects, policy violations, low Feedback scores, and/or other undesirable qualities/statistics. Buyer Requirements are set at the seller's account level, but by using a BuyerRequirementDetails container in an Add/Revise/Relist API call, the values in that container will override values set at the account level.

Note: This container is only returned if BuyerRequirementDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
boolean Conditionally This field is deprecated.
MaximumBuyerPolicyViolationsDetailsType Conditionally Note: This field is no longer applicable, as sellers can no longer set the Buyer Requirement that buyers must have only a certain amount of buyer policy violations within a specified amount of time in order to purchase an item.
NumberOfPolicyViolationsDetailsType Conditionally As a Maximum Buyer Policy Violations threshold value can no longer be set at the account or listing level, this field is no longer applicable.
PolicyViolationDurationDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
As a Maximum Buyer Policy Violations threshold value can no longer be set at the account or listing level, this field is no longer applicable.
MaximumItemRequirementsDetailsType Conditionally This container shows the supported values that can be set as the MaximumItemCount and MinimumFeedbackScore to help control inexperienced or low Feedback bidders/buyers from bidding on or buying an item in a listing.
int Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Values returned in this field indicate the maximum quantity of an order line item that one buyer can purchase during a consecutive 10-day period.
int Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A Minimum Feedback Score threshold can be added to the Maximum Item Requirement rule if the seller only wishes to restrict possible buyers with low Feedback scores. The values returned in this field indicate the minimum Feedback Score thresholds that can be used.
MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesInfoDetailsType Conditionally This container shows the supported values that can be set as the Maximum Unpaid Item count and period (number of days) to block buyers who have recent Unpaid Item Strikes from bidding on or buying an item in a listing.
MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesCountDetailsType Conditionally The number of the maximum unpaid item strikes. This is applicable only to sellers.
int Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Each value returned in each MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesCount.Count field can be used in the BuyerRequirementDetails.MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesInfo.Count field when using the Trading API to add, revise, or relist an item.
MaximumUnpaidItemStrikesDurationDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Range of time used to determine maximum unpaid item count. This is applicable only to sellers.
string Conditionally The description of the period, such as 'month', 'quarter', or 'half a year'. The data in this field can be used as a label in your application's display. This is applicable only to sellers.
PeriodCodeType Conditionally The period is the number of days (last 60 days, last 180 days, etc.) during which the buyer's unpaid item strikes are calculated. This is applicable only to sellers.

Applicable values:

(out) This value is reserved for future or internal use.
(out) This value indicates that the evaluation period is set back 180 days (approximately 6 months) from the present date.
(out) This value indicates that the evaluation period is set back 30 days from the present date.
(out) This value indicates that the evaluation period is set back 360 days (approximately 12 months) from the present date.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
MinimumFeedbackScoreDetailsType Conditionally Note: This field is no longer applicable, as sellers can no longer set a buyer's Minimum Feedback Score threshold Buyer Requirement at the listing-level in Add/Revise/Relist calls.
boolean Conditionally A true value returned in this field indicates that the ShipToRegistrationCountry Buyer Requirement is supported for the specified site.
dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT when the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
CountryDetails CountryDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the country code and associated name of the countries supported by the eBay system, regardless of the site specified in the request.

Note: This container is only returned if CountryDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
CountryDetails.Country CountryCodeType Conditionally Two-letter code representing a country. These two-letter codes are typically used in Add/Revise/Relist calls when referring to a country.

Applicable values: See Country.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

See Item.Country in AddItem.

CountryDetails.Description string Conditionally Full country name for display purposes. May be similar to (but not necessarily identical to) CountryName in addresses (e.g., User.RegistrationAddress.CountryName in GetUser).
CountryDetails.DetailVersion string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
CountryDetails.UpdateTime dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
CurrencyDetails CurrencyDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the currencies supported by the eBay system, regardless of the site specified in the request.

Note: This container is only returned if CurrencyDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
CurrencyDetails.Currency CurrencyCodeType Conditionally Three-digit currency codes as defined in ISO 4217. The currency codes returned in GeteBayDetails can be used as values in the Currency field of the Add/Revise/Relist and other Trading API calls.

Applicable values: See Currency.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.


CurrencyDetails.Description string Conditionally Full currency name for display purposes.
CurrencyDetails.DetailVersion string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
CurrencyDetails.UpdateTime dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
DispatchTimeMaxDetails DispatchTimeMaxDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A dispatch time specifies the maximum number of business days a seller commits to for shipping an item to domestic buyers after receiving a cleared payment. Returns all dispatch times in the system, regardless of the site specified in the request.

Note: This container is only returned if DispatchTimeMaxDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
string Conditionally Value and unit (e.g., 10 Days) for the maximum dispatch time. Useful for display purposes.
string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
int Conditionally Integer value that indicates the maximum number of business days that the eBay site allows as a seller's handling time. The clock starts ticking when the buyer pays for the order. This means that if a buyer pays for the order on a Wednesday, the seller would have to ship the item by the next day (Thursday) if the DispatchTimeMax value is set to 1. Typical values for this field are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, or 20.

A DispatchTimeMax value of 0 indicates same day handling for an item. In this case, the seller's handling time commitment depends on the order cut off time set in the seller's user preferences. This defaults to 2:00 PM local time on most eBay sites. For orders placed (and cleared payment received) before the local order cut off time, the item must be shipped by the end of the current day. For orders completed on or after the order cut off time, the item must be shipped by the end of the following day (excluding weekends and local holidays).

Note: If a same day shipping carrier is selected, and the carrier delivers on one or both weekend days, sellers on the eBay US site are assumed to be open for business on the same days, and those days will be used when calculating total shipping time. If using GeteBayDetails specifically to return this value, the caller sets the DetailName field in the request to DispatchTimeMaxDetails.

When creating, revising, or relisting an item, the seller cannot set the Item.DispatchTimeMax value higher than the value returned in this field.

See Same day handling for details about dispatch cut off times.

boolean Always A value of true indicates that the seller has specified a handling time of 4 business days or more (an exception handling time). Sellers should be aware that long handling times might adversely affect the buying decisions of potential customers.
dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
ExcludeShippingLocationDetails ExcludeShippingLocationDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the locations supported by the ExcludeShipToLocation feature. These are locations that a seller can list as areas where they will not ship an item.

Note: This container is only returned if ExcludeShippingLocationDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
string Conditionally The localized location name.
string Conditionally Returns the current version number of the ExcludeShippingLocation data. Use the version number to determine if you need to refresh your cached client data.
string Conditionally The location or region code to be used with the AddItem family of calls. These codes are also returned by GetItem. This code reflects the ISO 3166 codes.
string Conditionally The region code to which the location belongs.
dateTime Conditionally The time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. Use this timestamp to determine if you need to refresh your cached client data.
ItemSpecificDetails ItemSpecificDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the site's maximum thresholds for specifying Item Specifics.

Note: This container is only returned if ItemSpecificDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
string Always This string indicates the version of the Item Specifics metadata.
int Conditionally This value is the maximum number of characters that can be used for an Item Specific name on the specified site.

See Setting Item Specific names in AddItem.

int Conditionally This value is the maximum number of characters that can be used for an Item Specific value on the specified site.

See Setting Item Specific values in AddItem.

int Conditionally This value is the maximum number of Item Specifics name-value pairs that can be used when creating, revising, or relisting an item on the specified site. Item Specifics are used to provide descriptive details of an item in a structured manner.

See Setting Item Specifics in AddItem for instructions on adding Item Specifics when creating a listing.

int Conditionally This value is the maximum number of corresponding name values that can be used per Item Specific when creating, revising, or relisting an item on the specified site. An example of an Item Specific that might have multiple values is 'Features'. A product can have multiple features, hence multiple features can be passed in through multiple ItemSpecifics.NameValueList.Value fields.

Once you know the site threshold, it can also be helpful to know specific Item Specifics in a category that can have more than one value, such as 'Features'. Multiple values can only be specified for an Item Specific if the corresponding itemToAspectCardinality field of the getItemAspectsForCategory method shows a value of MULTI.

See Setting one or more values for Item Specific in AddItem.

ItemSpecificDetails.UpdateTime dateTime Always This timestamp indicates the date and time when the Item Specifics metadata was last updated. Time is in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time. This timestamp can be useful in determining if and when to refresh cached client data.
ListingFeatureDetails ListingFeatureDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Details the listing features available for the eBay site specified in the request.

Note: This container is only returned if ListingFeatureDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
BoldTitleCodeType Always The enumeration value returned in this field indicates whether or not the Bold Title featured is enabled for the eBay site. If this feature is available for an eBay site, the seller can pass in BoldTitle as an enumeration value in the ListingEnhancement field of an Add/Revise/Relist call.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for future use.
(out) This value indicates that bold listing titles are disabled for the eBay site specified in the GeteBayDetails call request.
(out) This value indicates that bold listing titles are enabled for the eBay site specified in the GeteBayDetails call request.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
ListingFeatureDetails.Border BorderCodeType (token) Always Note: The Picture Border feature is no longer available on any eBay marketplace site, so this value should not be used in Add/Revise/Relist calls, and will not be returned in 'Get' calls.
Defines the availability of the Picture Border feature for the site.
string Always Returns the current version of details.
FeaturedFirstCodeType Always Note: Featured First is no longer available on any eBay marketplace.
The enumeration value returned in this field indicates whether or not the Featured First feature is enabled for the eBay site. As of October 2017, this listing feature is only available to Top-Rated Sellers on the Germany site.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the Featured First listing upgrade is not available for any sellers on the site.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the Featured First listing upgrade is enabled for all sellers on the site.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the Featured First listing upgrade is only enabled for Power Sellers on the site.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the Featured First listing upgrade is only enabled for Top-Rated Sellers on the site.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
FeaturedPlusCodeType Always Note: Featured Plus is no longer available on any eBay marketplace.
The enumeration value returned in this field indicates whether or not the Featured Plus feature is enabled for the eBay site.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the Featured Plus listing upgrade is not available for any sellers on the site.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the Featured Plus listing upgrade is enabled for all sellers on the site.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the Featured Plus listing upgrade is only enabled for Power Sellers on the site.
(out) This enumeration value indicates that the Featured Plus listing upgrade is only enabled for Top-Rated Sellers on the site.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
ListingFeatureDetails.GiftIcon GiftIconCodeType (token) Always Note: The Gift Icon feature is no longer available on any eBay marketplace.
Defines the availability of the Gift Icon feature for the site.
HighlightCodeType (token) Always Note: The Highlight feature is no longer available on any eBay marketplace, so this value should not be used in Add/Revise/Relist calls, and will not be returned in 'Get' calls.
Defines the availability of the Highlight feature for the site.
HomePageFeaturedCodeType Always Note: Home Page Featured is no longer available on any eBay marketplace.
The enumeration value returned in this field indicates whether or not the Home Page Featured feature is enabled for the eBay site. If this feature is available for an eBay site, the seller can pass in HomePageFeatured as an enumeration value in the ListingEnhancement field of an Add/Revise/Relist call.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) The listing feature is disabled for the site.
(out) The listing feature is enabled for the site.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
ListingFeatureDetails.ProPack ProPackCodeType (token) Always Note: The Pro Pack Bundle feature is no longer available on any eBay marketplace.
Defines the availability of the Pro Pack Bundle for the site.
dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated.
ListingStartPriceDetails ListingStartPriceDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the minimum starting prices for the supported types of eBay listings.

Note: This container is only returned if ListingStartPriceDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
string Conditionally This value is a string description of the listing type for which the pricing data is intended, such as "Pricing for the auction-like listings".
string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
ListingTypeCodeType Conditionally This value indicates the listing type of the listing, and is a value defined in ListingTypeCodeType enumerated type. The only possible values for this field are 'Chinese' (auction listing) and 'FixedPriceItem'.

Applicable values: See ListingType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
float Conditionally This field is only returned and applicable for auction listings.

This float value indicates the minimum percentage value that a Buy It Now price for an auction listing must be above the Starting bid price for that same listing.

On the US eBay Motors site (Site ID 100), this field only applies to the Parts and Accessories categories.
AmountType (double) Conditionally For auction listings, the StartPrice indicates the lowest dollar value that can be set for the item's Starting bid.

For fixed-price listings, the StartPrice indicates the lowest dollar value that can be set for the item's sale price.
  [ attribute currencyID ]
CurrencyCodeType Always For auction listings, the StartPrice indicates the lowest dollar value that can be set for the item's Starting bid.

For fixed-price listings, the StartPrice indicates the lowest dollar value that can be set for the item's sale price.

For a list of possible enumeration values, see CurrencyCodeType.
dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
PaymentOptionDetails PaymentOptionDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Deprecated as of version 613. No longer recommended. Use Category.PaymentMethod instead.
Although the supported payment methods for the specified eBay site are returned, it is recommended that the seller use GetCategoryFeatures instead, and pass in PaymentMethods as a FeatureID value in the request.

Note: This container is only returned if PaymentOptionDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
Deprecation version: 613. See also Deprecated Objects.
string Conditionally Deprecated as of version 613. No longer recommended. Use Category.PaymentMethod instead.
This field is a text-based/user-friendly description of the payment option.
Deprecation version: 613. See also Deprecated Objects.
string Conditionally Deprecated as of version 613. No longer recommended. Use Category.PaymentMethod instead.
This string value indicates the version number of the update made to any payment options returned in GeteBayDetails.
Deprecation version: 613. See also Deprecated Objects.
BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType Conditionally Deprecated as of version 613. No longer recommended. Use Category.PaymentMethod instead.
This enumeration value is the enumeration that the seller would pass in to one of the PaymentMethods fields in an Add/Revise/Relist call (or in to a Payment busines policy).

Applicable values:

(in/out) This enumeration value indicates that cash on pickup is accepted for payment. This value is only applicable for offline payments.
(in/out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(in/out) This enumeration value indicates that a money order or cashiers check is accepted for payment. This value is only applicable for offline payments and is not supported on all marketplaces.
(in/out) This enumeration value indicates that a personal check is accepted for payment. This value is only applicable for offline payments and is not supported on all marketplaces.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Deprecation version: 613. See also Deprecated Objects.
dateTime Conditionally Deprecated as of version 613. No longer recommended. Use Category.PaymentMethod instead.
This timestamp indicates the date and time of the last update made to any payment options returned in GeteBayDetails.
Deprecation version: 613. See also Deprecated Objects.
ProductDetails ProductDetailsType Conditionally The ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field contains the actual text that should be passed into the relevant product identification fields (EAN, ISBN, UPC, MPN/Brand) if eBay is prompting/expecting one of these fields in the call request, but the identifiers do not exist/apply for the product. The text will vary based on the listing site. This text should only be used if no product ID exists for the product. If a product identifier value does actually exist for a product, but the seller passes in 'Does not apply' text, that listing may get penalized in search.

Note: This container is only returned if ProductDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
string Conditionally This field contains the actual text that should be passed into the relevant product identifier fields (e.g. ProductListingDetails.UPC in an AddItem call) when creating a listing. Some eBay categories require one or more Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs), so either the actual GTIN or this substitute text must be passed into the relevant fields.
RecoupmentPolicyDetails RecoupmentPolicyDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Details the recoupment policies for the site specified in the request.

Note: This container is only returned if RecoupmentPolicyDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
boolean Always Indicates whether recoupment policy is enforced on the site on which the item is listed.
boolean Always Indicates whether recoupment policy is enforced on the registration site for which the call is made.
dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
RegionDetails RegionDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the cities and other domestic regions for the specified site's country.

Note: This container is only returned if RegionDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
RegionOfOriginDetails RegionOfOriginDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the worldwide regions and individual countries that can be set as shipping locations from the specified eBay site.

Note: This container is only returned if RegionOfOriginDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
ReturnPolicyDetails ReturnPolicyDetailsType Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077. No longer recommended. Use GetCategoryFeatures instead.
Lists the supported values that may be used for return policies on the specified eBay site, such as the return period, supported restocking fees, and refund options.

Note: This container is only returned if ReturnPolicyDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request. Note: This container has been staged for deprecation. Although domestic return policy metadata is still getting returned at the moment, it is recommended that users start making plans to use the GetCategoryFeatures call instead to retrieve category-level, domestic return policy metadata.
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
boolean Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077.
This field is returned with a value of true if the site supports a text description of the seller's Return Policy in listings. If the site does support a text description of the seller's Return Policy, it is set through the ReturnPolicy.Description field in an Add/Revise/Relist API call. Currently, the only eBay sites that support Return Policy descriptions are Germany, Austria, France, Italy, and Spain.

Note: To discover if a Return Policy desciption is supported by a particular category, call GetCategoryFeatures and include ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled as a FeatureID value to see if the category supports the use of a Return Policy description.
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
string Always Deprecated as of version 1077.
Returns the latest version number for the Return Policy Details metadata set. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
ReturnPolicyDetails.Refund RefundDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Deprecated as of version 1077.
This container consists of the supported refund/exchange/replacement item options that the seller may make available to the buyer in case the buyer wants to return the original item. Enumeration value(s) returned in RefundOption field(s) can be used in the ReturnPolicy.RefundOption field in an Add/Revise/Relist API call.

Note: To discover what refund options that a particular category supports, call GetCategoryFeatures and include DomesticRefundMethodValues and/or InternationalRefundMethodValues as FeatureID values to see the refund options available for domestic and international returns, respectively.
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
string Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077.
Display string that applications can use to present RefundOption in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list). Not applicable as input to the AddItem family of calls. (Use RefundOption instead.)
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
token Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077.
Indicates how the seller will compensate the buyer for a returned item. This value can be passed in the Add/Revise/Relist/VerifyAdd API calls.

Currently, on the US site (and many other sites), the seller must offer either a MoneyBack or a MoneyBackOrExchange refund option. Consider using the MoneyBackOrExchange option when you have the depth of inventory to support replacement of the original item. Otherwise, use the MoneyBack option if you have limited inventory.

Applicable values: See RefundOptionsCodeType
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
ReturnsAcceptedDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Deprecated as of version 1077.
This container consists of the enumeration values that can be passed into the ReturnPolicy.ReturnsAcceptedOption field when using an Add/Revise/Relist API call. This value will indicate whether or not the seller allows the buyer to return the item.

Note: To discover the enumeration values that a particular category supports, call GetCategoryFeatures and include DomesticReturnsAcceptedValues and/or InternationalReturnsAcceptedValues as FeatureID values to see the ReturnPolicy.ReturnsAcceptedOption and ReturnPolicy.InternationalReturnsAcceptedOption values supported for domestic and international returns, respectively.
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
string Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077.
Display string that applications can use to present ReturnsAcceptedOption in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list). Not applicable as input to the AddItem family of calls. (Use ReturnsAcceptedOption instead.)
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
token Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077.
Whether the seller allows the buyer to return the item. This value can be passed in the AddItem family of calls.

Applicable values: See ReturnsAcceptedOptionsCodeType
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
ReturnsWithinDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Deprecated as of version 1077.
This container consists of the supported time periods within which the buyer can return the item, starting from the day they receive the item. Enumeration value(s) returned in ReturnsWithinOption field(s) can be used in the ReturnPolicy.ReturnsWithinOption field in an Add/Revise/Relist API call.

Note: To discover what return durations that a particular category supports, call GetCategoryFeatures and include DomesticReturnsDurationValues and/or InternationalReturnsDurationValues as FeatureID values to see the return durations available for domestic and international returns, respectively.
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
string Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077.
Display string that applications can use to present ReturnsWithinOption in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list). Not applicable as input to the AddItem family of calls. (Use ReturnsWithinOption instead.)
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
token Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077.
Value indicates the number of days that a buyer has to return an item from the day they receive the item. This value can be passed in the Add/Revise/Relist family of API calls. Supported values can vary by eBay site.

Applicable values: See ReturnsWithinOptionsCodeType
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
ShippingCostPaidByDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Deprecated as of version 1077.
This container consists of the enumeration values that can be passed into the ReturnPolicy.ShippingCostPaidByOption or ReturnPolicy.InternationalShippingCostPaidByOption field when using an Add/Revise/Relist API call. This value will indicate whether the buyer or seller is responsible for return shipping cost. The enumeration value(s) returned in ShippingCostPaidByOption field(s) can be used in the ReturnPolicy.ShippingCostPaidByOption field in an
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
string Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077.
Display string that applications can use to present ShippingCostPaidByOption in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list). Not applicable as input to the Add/Revise/Relist calls. (Use ShippingCostPaidBy instead.)
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
token Conditionally Deprecated as of version 1077.
The party who pays the shipping cost for a returned item. This value can be passed in the Add/Revise/Relist calls.

Applicable values: See ShippingCostPaidByOptionsCodeType
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
ReturnPolicyDetails.UpdateTime dateTime Always Deprecated as of version 1077.
This timestamp in GMT indicate when the Return Policy Details metadata were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
Deprecation version: 1077. See also Deprecated Objects.
ShippingCarrierDetails ShippingCarrierDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the shipping carriers supported by the specified site.

Note: This container is only returned if ShippingCarrierDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
string Conditionally Display string that applications can use to present a list of shipping carriers in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list).
string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
ShippingCarrierCodeType Conditionally The code for the shipping carrier.

Note: Commonly used shipping carriers can also be found by calling GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingCarrierDetails and examining the returned ShippingCarrierDetails.ShippingCarrier field.

Applicable values: See ShippingCarrier.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
int Conditionally Numeric identifier. Some applications use this ID to look up shipping Carriers more efficiently.
dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
ShippingCategoryDetails ShippingCategoryDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A shipping service category supported for the site.

Note: This container is only returned if ShippingCategoryDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request. Each shipping service supported for a site is automatically categorized by eBay into one of the shipping categories available for that site depending on how the shipping service shipping time aligns with the shipping times specified by eBay for each category.

Notice that you cannot specify a ShippingCategory as an input to any API call - eBay does this categorizing automatically. ShippingCategory is read-only data that is returned in the ShippingServiceDetails container. One possible use of this data is to segregate shipping services by ShippingCategory in a pick list. (For an example of this, see the Services pulldown menu in the Give buyers shipping details form in the eBay Sell Your Item flow.)

One way to populate the picklist would be to call GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails. Then sort these results by ShippingCategory and populate the picklist.
string Conditionally Display string that applications can use to present a list of shipping categories in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list). This field is localized per site.
string Always The current version number for shipping categories. Sellers can compare this version number to their version number to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
token Conditionally Indicates the shipping category. Shipping categories include the following: ECONOMY, STANDARD, EXPEDITED, ONE_DAY, PICKUP, OTHER, and NONE. International shipping services are generally grouped into the NONE category. For more information on these shipping categories, and which services fall into which category, see the Shipping Basics page on the eBay Shipping Center site.

Note: This field is returned only for those sites that support shipping categories: US (0), CA (2), CAFR (210), UK (3), AU (15), FR (71), DE (77), IT (101) and ES (186).
dateTime Always Indicates the time of the last version update.
ShippingLocationDetails ShippingLocationDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the worldwide regions that can be set as shipping locations from the specified eBay site.

Note: This container is only returned if ShippingLocationDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
string Conditionally Display string that applications can use to present a list of shipping locations in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list). This field is localized in the language of the site.
string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
string Conditionally Short name or abbreviation for a region (e.g., Asia) or location (e.g. Japan).

See ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption in AddItem.

dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
ShippingPackageDetails ShippingPackageDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the various shipping packages supported by the specified site.

Note: This container is only returned if ShippingPackageDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
boolean Conditionally Indicates if the package type is the default for the specified site.
string Conditionally Display string that applications can use to present a list of shipping package options in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list).
string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
boolean Conditionally This field is returned as 'true' if the shipping package supports the use of package dimensions.
Default: false.
int Conditionally Numeric identifier. Some applications use this ID to look up shipping packages more efficiently.
ShippingPackageCodeType Conditionally A supported value for the site that can be used in the Item.ShippingPackageDetails.ShippingPackage or Item.ShippingDetails.CalculatedShippingRate.ShippingPackage fields of an Add/Revise/Relist API call.

Applicable values: See ShippingPackage.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
ShippingServiceDetails ShippingServiceDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the shipping services supported by the specified eBay site. Returns only the shipping services that are applicable to the site specified in the request.

Note: This container is only returned if ShippingServiceDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
token Conditionally If returned, this is the shipping service group to which the shipping service belongs. Valid values are found in CostGroupFlatCodeType.

Applicable values: See CostGroupFlatCodeType
AnnouncementMessageType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A mechanism by which details about deprecation of a shipping service is announced. See also MappedToShippingServiceID. If this container is empty, it means that there is no mapping for this shipping service and that the shipping service will be dropped from the listing without an accompanying warning message from the eBay API.

See Deprecated services.

dateTime Conditionally The date on which an upcoming event can start to be announced.
dateTime Conditionally The date on which the event occurs. This is also the ending date of the announcement that lead up to the event (see AnnouncementStartTime).
AnnouncementMessageCodeType Conditionally Control of what messages to display.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for future use.
(out) A deprecation message is to be made available, but only if today's date is between AnnouncementMessageType.AnnouncementStartTime and AnnouncementMessageType.EventTime.
(out) Both "Deprecation" and "Mapping" enumerations are to apply.
(out) A mapping message is to be made available, but only if today's date is after AnnouncementMessageType.EventTime.
(out) No message is to be made available.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
string Always Display string that applications can use to present a list of shipping service options in a more user-friendly format (such as in a drop-down list).
string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
boolean Conditionally This field is only returned if the shipping service option requires that package dimensions are provided by the seller. This field is only returned if 'true'.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether a domestic shipping service option is an expedited shipping service. This field is only returned under a ShippingServiceDetails if true. Expedited generally means that the shipment of the order can arrive at the buyer's location within one or two business days.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether the shipping service is an international shipping service. An international shipping service option is required if an item is being shipped from one country (origin) to another (destination).

See Item.ShippingDetails.InternationalShippingServiceOption in AddItem.

int Conditionally The ID of another shipping service that will be used when a shipping service is deprecated. See also DeprecationDetails.

See Deprecated services.

ShippingTypeCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The shipping cost types that this shipping service option supports, such as flat-rate or calculated. A ServiceType field is returned for each shipping cost type supported by the shipping service option.

Applicable values:

(in/out) Calculated shipping model: the cost of shipping is determined in large part by the seller-offered and buyer-selected shipping service. The seller might assess an additional fee via PackagingHandlingCosts.
(in/out) Flat shipping model: the seller establishes the cost of shipping and cost of shipping insurance, regardless of what any buyer-selected shipping service might charge the seller.

Note: This shipping type includes an option for a Flat Rate Freight shipping service. For details about freight shipping, see Specifying Freight Shipping in the eBay Features Guide.

(Not all values in ShippingTypeCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
ShippingCarrierCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The enumeration value for the shipping carrier associated with the shipping service option.

Note: Commonly used shipping carriers can also be found by calling GeteBayDetails with DetailName set to ShippingCarrierDetails and examining the returned ShippingCarrierDetails.ShippingCarrier field.

Applicable values: See ShippingCarrier.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
token Conditionally Indicates the shipping category. Shipping categories include the following: ECONOMY, STANDARD, EXPEDITED, ONE_DAY, PICKUP, OTHER, and NONE. International shipping services are generally grouped into the NONE category. For more information about these shipping categories, see the Shipping Basics page on the eBay Shipping Center site.

Note: This field is returned only for those sites that support shipping categories: US (0), CA (2), CAFR (210), UK (3), AU (15), FR (71), DE (77), IT (101) and ES (186).
ShippingPackageCodeType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
The shipping packages that can be used for this shipping service option. A ShippingPackage field is returned for each shipping package supported by the shipping service option.

Applicable values: See ShippingPackage.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
token Conditionally The name of shipping service option. The ShippingServiceDetails.ValidForSellingFlow flag must also be present and true. Otherwise, that particular shipping service option is no longer valid and cannot be offered to buyers through a listing.

This token value is the text that a seller will provide in the ShippingDetails.ShippingServiceOptions.ShippingService field when creating a listing.
int Conditionally Numeric identifier. A value greater than 50000 represents an international shipping service (confirmed by InternationalShippingService being true). Some applications use this ID to look up shipping services more efficiently.
ShippingServicePackageDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Shipping Package level details for the enclosing shipping service, this complex type replaces the existing ShippingPackage type.
boolean Conditionally This field is only returned if package dimensions are required for the corresponding package type (ShippingServicePackageDetails.Name value) supported by the corresponding shipping service option (ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService value).
ShippingPackageCodeType Conditionally The name of the package type.

Applicable values: See Name.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the maximum number of business days that the shipping carrier (indicated in the corresponding ShippingCarrier field) will take to ship an item using the corresponding shipping service option (indicated in the ShippingService field).

This maximum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.

For sellers opted into and using eBay Guaranteed Delivery, they should be looking at this value, and this value plus their handling time stated in the listing cannot be greater than 4 business days in order for that listing to be eligible for eBay Guaranteed Delivery.
int Conditionally The integer value returned here indicates the minimum number of business days that the shipping carrier (indicated in the corresponding ShippingCarrier field) will take to ship an item using the corresponding shipping service option (indicated in the ShippingService field).

This minimum shipping time does not include the seller's handling time, and the clock starts on the shipping time only after the seller has delivered the item to the shipping carrier for shipment to the buyer. 'Business days' can vary by shipping carrier and by country, but 'business days' are generally Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. This field is returned if defined for that particular shipping service option.
boolean Conditionally This field is only returned if 'true', and indicates that a shipping surcharge is applicable for this shipping service option.
dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
boolean Conditionally If this field is returned as 'true', the shipping service option can be used in a Add/Revise/Relist API call. If this field is returned as 'false', the shipping service option is not currently supported and cannot be used in a Add/Revise/Relist API call.
boolean Conditionally If true, a seller who selects this package type for the listing and then offers this shipping service must specify WeightMajor and WeightMinor in the item definition. If not returned, WeightRequired is false.
Default: false.
SiteDetails SiteDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists all available eBay sites and their associated SiteID numbers.

Note: This container is only returned if SiteDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
SiteDetails.DetailVersion string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
SiteDetails.Site SiteCodeType Conditionally Short name that identifies an eBay site. Usually, an eBay site is associated with a particular country or region (e.g., US or Belgium_French). Specialty sites (e.g., eBay Stores) use the same site ID as their associated main eBay site. The US eBay Motors site is an exception to this convention.

Applicable values: See Site.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

    Item.Site in AddItem
    User.Site in GetUser

SiteDetails.SiteID int Conditionally Numeric identifier for an eBay site. If you are using the SOAP API, you use numeric site IDs in the request URL. If you are using the XML API, you use numeric site IDs in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header.
SiteDetails.UpdateTime dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
TaxJurisdiction TaxJurisdictionType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Details the different tax jurisdictions or tax regions applicable to the site specified in the request. Note that tax jurisdictions are only applicable to the following eBay sites: eBay US (Site ID 0), eBay Canada (Site ID 2), eBay Canada (French) (Site ID 210), and eBay India (Site ID 203). An empty response will be returned for any other Site ID that is passed in the HTTP header.

Note: This container is only returned if TaxJurisdiction is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.

    TaxTable.TaxJurisdiction in SetTaxTable
    Item.UseTaxTable in AddItem

TaxJurisdiction.DetailVersion string Conditionally Returns the latest version number for this feature. Use the version to determine if and when to refresh your cached client data.
TaxJurisdiction.JurisdictionID string Conditionally This is the unique, two-digit identifier of the tax jurisdiction (such as 'CA' for California). To retrieve all JurisdictionID values for a site, a seller can either use a GetTaxTable call with DetailLevel set to ReturnAll, or they can use the GeteBayDetails call with DetailLevel name set to TaxJurisdiction.

The JurisdictionID field is always required in a SetTaxTable call, and always returned with each TaxJurisdiction container to identify the tax jurisdiction.
string Conditionally Full name for the jurisdiction or region for display purposes.
TaxJurisdiction.UpdateTime dateTime Conditionally The time in GMT when the details for this feature were last updated. Use this timestamp to determine if and when to refresh your cached client data.
TimeZoneDetails TimeZoneDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists the details of the time zones supported by the eBay system.

Note: This container is only returned if TimeZoneDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
boolean Conditionally Indicates whether or not the time zone is currently on daylight saving time. A value of true indicates that the time zone is on daylights savings time. This element is emitted for time zones that support daylight saving time only.
string Conditionally Display name of a time zone in its daylight saving time representation. This element is emitted for time zones that support daylight saving time only. The value is localized and returned in the language for the site specified in the request.
string Conditionally The offset in hours from GMT for a time zone when it is on daylight saving time. This element is emitted for time zones that support daylight saving time only.
TimeZoneDetails.DetailVersion string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
TimeZoneDetails.StandardLabel string Conditionally Display name of a time zone in its standard (non-daylight saving) time representation. This value is localized and returned in the language for the site specified in the request (i.e., the numeric site ID that you specify in the request URL for the SOAP API or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header for the XML API).
TimeZoneDetails.StandardOffset string Conditionally The offset in hours from GMT for a time zone when it is not adjusted for daylight saving time.
TimeZoneDetails.TimeZoneID string Conditionally A unique identifier for a given time zone. This ID does not change for a given time zone, even if the time zone supports both standard and daylight saving time variants. Valid values for TimeZoneID correspond to OLSON IDs. These IDs provide not only the information as to the offset from GMT (UTC), but also daylight saving time information. Thus, for example, America/Phoenix is distinct from America/Denver because they have different daylight saving time behavior. This value is not localized.

    Time values
    Olson ID Comparison

TimeZoneDetails.UpdateTime dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
UpdateTime dateTime Always The time of the most recent modification to any feature detail. If specific feature details are passed in the request, gives the most recent modification time of those feature details.
URLDetails URLDetailsType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
Lists eBay URLs that are applicable to the site specified in the request.

Note: This container is only returned if URLDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.
URLDetails.DetailVersion string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
URLDetails.UpdateTime dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
URLDetails.URL anyURI Conditionally A commonly used eBay URL. Applications use some of these URLs (such as the View Item URL) to launch eBay Web site pages in a browser.

Logo URLs are required to be used in certain types of applications. See your API license agreement. Also see this page for logo usage rules:
URLDetails.URLType URLTypeCodeType Conditionally This enumeration value indicates the type of eBay page.

Applicable values: See URLType.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
VariationDetails VariationDetailsType Conditionally Site-level validation rules for multiple-variation listings (for example, the maximum number of variations per listing). Use GetCategoryFeatures to determine which categories on a site support variations.

Note: This container is only returned if VariationDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request.

See GetCategoryFeatures.

VariationDetails.DetailVersion string Always Returns the latest version number for this field. The version can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
int Conditionally This value indicates the maximum number of variation specific sets that the site will allow per listing. Typical variation specific sets for clothing may be 'Color', 'Size', 'Long Sleeve', etc.
int Conditionally This value indicates the maximum number of values that the site will allow within one variation specific set. For example, if the variation specific set was 'Color', the seller could specify as many colors that are available up to this maximum value.
int Conditionally This value indicates the maximum number of item variations that the site will allow within one multi-variation listing.
VariationDetails.UpdateTime dateTime Always Gives the time in GMT that the feature flags for the details were last updated. This timestamp can be used to determine if and when to refresh cached client data.
Standard Output Fields  
Ack AckCodeType Always A token representing the application-level acknowledgement code that indicates the response status (e.g., success). The AckCodeType list specifies the possible values for the Ack field.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) This value indicates that the call request processing failed.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was processed successfully without any issues.
(out) This value indicates that the call request was successful, but processing was not without any issues. These issues can be checked in the Errors container, that will also be returned when one or more known issues occur with the call request.

(Not all values in AckCodeType apply to this field.)

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Build string Always This refers to the specific software build that eBay used when processing the request and generating the response. This includes the version number plus additional information. eBay Developer Support may request the build information when helping you resolve technical issues.
CorrelationID string Conditionally Most Trading API calls support a MessageID element in the request and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass in a MessageID in a request, the same value will be returned in the CorrelationID field in the response. Pairing these values can help you track and confirm that a response is returned for every request and to match specific responses to specific requests. If you do not pass a MessageID value in the request, CorrelationID is not returned.

Note: GetCategories is designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, the MessageID and CorrelationID fields aren't applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, MessageID and CorrelationID are applicable.
Errors ErrorType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
A list of application-level errors (if any) that occurred when eBay processed the request.
Errors.ErrorClassification ErrorClassificationCodeType Conditionally API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) An error has occurred either as a result of a problem in the sending application or because the application's end-user has attempted to submit invalid data (or missing data). In these cases, do not retry the request. The problem must be corrected before the request can be made again. If the problem is due to something in the application (such as a missing required field), the application must be changed. If the problem is a result of end-user data, the application must alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for the end-user to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, resend the request to eBay with the corrected data.
(out) Indicates that an error has occurred on the eBay system side, such as a database or server down. An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Errors.ErrorCode token Conditionally A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.

See Errors By Number.

Errors.ErrorParameters ErrorParameterType Conditionally,
repeatable: [0..*]
This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned.
  [ attribute ParamID ]
string Conditionally This optional element carries a list of context-specific error variables that indicate details about the error condition. These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned.
Errors.ErrorParameters.Value string Conditionally This is the value of the request parameter noted in the ParamID attribute. So, if the ParamID value was ItemID, the value in this field would be the actual value of that ItemID.
Errors.LongMessage string Conditionally A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.
Errors.SeverityCode SeverityCodeType Conditionally Indicates whether the error is a severe error (causing the request to fail) or an informational error (a warning) that should be communicated to the user.

Applicable values:

(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
(out) The request that triggered the error was not processed successfully. When a serious application-level error occurs, the error is returned instead of the business data.

If the source of the problem is within the application (such as a missing required element), change the application before you retry the request.
  • If the problem is due to end-user input data, please alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for them to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, you can attempt to re-send the request to eBay.
  • If the source of the problem is on eBay's side, An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice). If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved, the request may be resent in its original form.

See the Error handling section of the Making a Trading API call guide for more information.
(out) The request was processed successfully, but something occurred that may affect your application or the user. For example, eBay may have changed a value the user sent in. In this case, eBay returns a normal, successful response and also returns the warning.

When a warning occurs, the error is returned in addition to the business data. In this case, you do not need to retry the request (as the original request was successful). However, depending on the cause or nature of the warning, you might need to contact either the end user or eBay to effect a long term solution to the problem to prevent it from reoccurring in the future.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.
Errors.ShortMessage string Conditionally A brief description of the condition that raised the error.
HardExpirationWarning string Conditionally Expiration date of the user's authentication token. Only returned within the 7-day period prior to a token's expiration. To ensure that user authentication tokens are secure and to help avoid a user's token being compromised, tokens have a limited life span. A token is only valid for a period of time (set by eBay). After this amount of time has passed, the token expires and must be replaced with a new token.
Timestamp dateTime Always This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the request. The time zone of this value is GMT and the format is the ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See the Time Values section in the eBay Features Guide for information about this time format and converting to and from the GMT time zone.

Note: GetCategories and other Trading API calls are designed to retrieve very large sets of metadata that change once a day or less often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request all available data (with no filters). When this occurs, this time value reflects the time the cached response was created. Thus, this value is not necessarily when the request was processed. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount of data returned, the calls retrieve the latest data (not cached). When this occurs, this time value does reflect when the request was processed.
Version string Always The version of the response payload schema. Indicates the version of the schema that eBay used to process the request. See the Standard Data for All Calls section in the eBay Features Guide for information on using the response version when troubleshooting CustomCode values that appear in the response.

Detail Controls


This call does not support varying Detail Levels. You do not need to pass DetailLevel in the request.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Some item IDs, user IDs, or other data in these samples might no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, you can substitute current eBay data in your requests.

Available samples:

Sample: Basic Call

Retrieves the current set of meta-data for all eBay sites.


The basic call uses no input fields and returns the complete set of eBay meta-data for all sites. If you want to retrieve specific sets of meta-data, use the major headings in the response as values for the DetailName field.


XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GeteBayDetailsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Description>Antigua and Barbuda</Description>
    <Description>United States</Description>
    <Description>US Dollar</Description>
    <Description>Canadian Dollar</Description>
    <Description>British Pound</Description>
    <Description>Australian Dollar</Description>
    <Description>Malaysian Ringgit</Description>
    <Description>0 Days</Description>
    <Description>1 Day</Description>
    <Description>2 Days</Description>
    <Description>3 Days</Description>
    <Description>20 Days</Description>
    <Description>4 Days</Description>
    <Description>5 Days</Description>
    <Description>40 Days</Description>
    <Description>10 Days</Description>
    <Description>30 Days</Description>
    <Description>15 Days</Description>
    <Description>Money order / Cashier&apos;s check</Description>
    <Description>Personal check</Description>
    <Description>Visa or Master Card</Description>
    <Description>American Express</Description>
    <Description>Discover Card</Description>
    <Description>Other - See item description</Description>
    <Description>Integrated Merchant Credit Card</Description>
    <Description>Cash On Pickup Accepted</Description>
    <Description>CA-Los Angeles</Description>
    <Description>CA-Orange County</Description>
    <Description>CA-San Diego</Description>
    <Description>CA-San Francisco</Description>
    <Description>CA-San Jose</Description>
    <Description>Russian Federation</Description>
    <Description>United Kingdom</Description>
    <Description>N. and S. America</Description>
    <Description>International Priority Shipping</Description>
    <Description>USPS Global Express Mail</Description>
    <Description>USPS Global Priority Mail</Description>
    <Description>USPS Economy Letter Post</Description>
    <Description>Standard Shipping from India</Description>
    <Description>Expedited Shipping from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan to worldwide</Description>
    <Description>Expedited Shipping from India</Description>
    <JurisdictionName>American Samoa</JurisdictionName>
    <JurisdictionName>Northern Mariana Islands</JurisdictionName>
    <JurisdictionName>Virgin Islands</JurisdictionName>
    <JurisdictionName>Puerto Rico</JurisdictionName>
    <JurisdictionName>West Virginia</JurisdictionName>
    <StandardLabel>Niue Time</StandardLabel>
    <StandardLabel>Samoa Standard Time</StandardLabel>
    <StandardLabel>Hawaii Standard Time</StandardLabel>
    <StandardLabel>Cook Is. Time</StandardLabel>
    <StandardLabel>West Samoa Time</StandardLabel>
    <DaylightSavingsLabel>West Samoa Daylight Time</DaylightSavingsLabel>
    <StandardLabel>Line Is. Time</StandardLabel>
    <Description>United States Minor Outlying Islands</Description>
    <Description>Large Envelope</Description>
    <Description>4PX CHINA</Description>
      <Description>Money Back</Description>
      <Description>Money back or replacement (buyer&apos;s choice)</Description>
      <Description>Money back or exchange (buyer&apos;s choice)</Description>
      <Description>14 Days</Description>
      <Description>30 Days</Description>
      <Description>60 Days</Description>
      <Description>Returns Accepted</Description>
      <Description>No returns accepted</Description>
    <Description>Pricing for the auction-like listings</Description>
    <StartPrice currencyID="USD">0.01</StartPrice>
    <Description>Pricing for multiple item listings</Description>
    <StartPrice currencyID="USD">0.99</StartPrice>
    <Description>Pricing for fixed price listings</Description>
    <StartPrice currencyID="USD">0.99</StartPrice>
        <Description>1 month</Description>
        <Description>6 months</Description>
        <Description>1 month</Description>
        <Description>6 months</Description>
        <Description>12 months</Description>
    <Description>Central America and Caribbean</Description>
    <Location>Central America and Caribbean</Location>
    <Region>South America</Region>
    <Region>South America</Region>
    <Description>Other services</Description>
    <Description>Standard services</Description>
    <Description>Economy services</Description>
    <Description>Expedited services</Description>
    <Description>Promotional services</Description>
    <Description>One-day services</Description>
    <Description>eBay shipping services</Description>
    <ProductIdentifierUnavailableText>Does not apply</ProductIdentifierUnavailableText>

Back to list of samples

Sample: Shipping Services

Details the shipping services available through eBay.


Returns the shipping services that are currently available through the eBay interface for the specified site.


Specify ShippingServiceDetails in the DetailName field to return the current list of shipping services supported by the indicated site.

XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<GeteBayDetailsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"> 


The output contains all the shipping services supported by the eBay interface (note the output here has been abbreviated).

If you use any of the supported shipping services, eBay calcualtes the actual cost of shipping the item to the buyer. Although you can use a shipping service not directly offered by eBay, using an eBay-supported shipping service has the benefit of letting users know they are paying the current rate for the item shipping.

XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Description>International Priority Shipping</Description>
    <Description>USPS Global Express Mail</Description>
    <Description>USPS Global Priority Mail</Description>
    <Description>USPS Economy Letter Post</Description>
    <Description>USPS Economy Parcel Post</Description>
    <Description>USPS Airmail Letter Post</Description>
    <Description>USPS Airmail Parcel Post</Description>
    <Description>USPS First Class Mail Intl / First Class Package Intl Service</Description>
    <Description>USPS Priority Mail International</Description>
    <Description>Expedited Shipping from China/Hong Kong/Taiwan to worldwide</Description>
    <Description>Expedited Shipping from India</Description>
    <Description>4PX CHINA</Description>

Back to list of samples

Sample: Finding the eBay Logo and Other eBay URLs

Returns the current set of eBay URLs, including the URLs where you can find the eBay logos.


As an eBay developer, you are required to display the eBay logo on your eBay web application. You can use this call to determine the URL for the eBay logo.


Set DetailName to URLDetails.

XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GeteBayDetailsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


Among other eBay URLs, the response includes the several URLs for eBay logos, with each hosting logos of different sizes.

XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Back to list of samples

Sample: Determining the Return Policy

Returns the return-policy options for the site.


Seller m***************r wants to know the return-policy options for the item she is planning on listing.


To review a site's return-policy options, set the DetailName field to ReturnPolicyDetails. Specify the site ID where you are listing your item in the HTTP headers of the request.

XML format.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GeteBayDetailsRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


Because the Site ID is set to 0 in the HTTP headers, the response is specific to the eBay US site. The payload returns the return policy options that you can use in your item listings.

XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Description>Money Back</Description>
      <Description>Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)</Description>
      <Description>Money back or exchange (buyer's choice)</Description>
      <Description>14 Days</Description>
      <Description>30 Days</Description>
      <Description>60 Days</Description>
      <Description>Returns Accepted</Description>
      <Description>No returns accepted</Description>

Back to list of samples

Change History

Change Date Description
  • SiteCodeType (modified): Czechia and Cyprus have been added to SiteCodeType as enumeration values. These sites cannot be set in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID header, nor in the Site field of a request payload.
  • URLDetails.URL (modified): The three catalog change request URLs (CreateProductUrl, AppealProductUrl, and ManageProductUrl) will no longer be returned in an URLDetails container since catalog change requests through the UI flow are currently not available.
  • ReturnsWithinOptionsCodeType (modified): The Months_1 enumeration value (a valid value for DE and AT sites) is being deprecated, and should no longer be used when creating/revising/relisting item.
  • URLTypeCodeType (modified): The following three new enumeration types were added: CreateProductUrl, AppealProductUrl, and ManageProductUrl. These new enumeration values indicate that the URL in the corresponding URL field is the base URL that a seller needs to enter the UI flow to make a request that a product be added to the eBay Catalog product, to make a request that an existing eBay Catalog product be revised, or to make a request to get the status of a specific catalog change request.
  • RestockingFeeValue.Description (modified): The 20% value indicates that the seller reserves the right to charge a restocking fee percentage for returned items of up to 20 percent (of sale price), but at the seller's discretion, they can also charge less than 20 percent.
  • RestockingFeeValue.RestockingFeeValueOption (modified): The Percent_20 value indicates that the seller reserves the right to charge a restocking fee percentage for returned items of up to 20 percent (of sale price), but at the seller's discretion, they can also charge less than 20 percent.
  • RestockingFeeValue.Description (modified): The 20% value indicates that the seller reserves the right to charge a restocking fee percentage for returned items of up to 20 percent (of sale price), but at the seller's discretion, they can also charge less than 20 percent.
  • ListingTypeCodeType (modified): The Half enumeration value is being deprecated, as API support for Half.com listings is being deprecated.
  • ShippingCarrier (modified): The ShippingCarrier field may now return the names of many more carriers than before; the number of carrier names returned depends on which carriers support the marketplace of the authenticated user. However, it is important that you validate the carriers externally, as they can change their services and support on short notice.
  • DetailNameCodeType (modified): ProductDetails enumeration value added to get the appropriate text to insert into a product identifier field (EAN, ISBN, UPC, MPN/Brand) if eBay is prompting/expecting one of these fields in the call request, but the identifiers do not exist/apply for the product.
  • ProductDetails (added): This container is only returned if ProductDetails is included as a DetailName filter in the request, or if no DetailName filters are used in the request. The ProductDetails.ProductIdentifierUnavailableText field contains the actual text that should be passed into the relevant product identification fields (EAN, ISBN, UPC, MPN/Brand) if eBay is prompting/expecting one of these fields in the call request, but the identifiers do not exist/apply for the product.
  • ReturnPolicyDetails.ShippingCostPaidBy.ShippingCostPaidByOption (modified): The eBay DE and AT sites no longer support ShippingCostPaidByOption values of EUBuyer_CancelRightsUnder40, EUSeller_CancelRights, and EUSeller_ReturnRights for new listings, so GeteBayDetails no longer returns these values. In your Add, Relist, Revise and Verify calls, you can now specify only Buyer or Seller as the value of ReturnPolicy.ShippingCostPaidByOption.
  • SiteCodeType (modified): 'Russia' added as enumeration value to support selling on the new Russia site.
  • ShippingServiceOptions.ShippingService (modified): 'eBayNowImmediateDelivery' added as a shipping service option. This value should only be used for eBay Now-enabled listings.
  • ReturnPolicy.RefundOption (modified): A new 'MoneyBackOrReplacement' value is now supported. This value should be used by a seller opted in to eBay-managed returns who wants to give buyers the choice of receiving a refund for a returned item, or receiving a replacement item.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService (modified): Three new enumerations can be returned in ShippingService: CA_PostTrackedPacketsInternational, CA_PostTrackedPacketsUSA and USPSStandardPost. These values are visible in ShippingServiceCodeType, but use GeteBayDetails to confirm that they are available on your eBay site.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService (modified): In ShippingServiceCodeType, the Royal Mail Standard Parcel service (UK_RoyalMailStandardParcel enumeration) has been deprecated. It is no longer available and should not be returned by GeteBayDetails. In addition, the descriptions of six UK shipping service enumerations have changed. Their new descriptions are as follows: UK_myHermesDoorToDoorService is "Hermes Tracked"; UK_RoyalMailFirstClassStandard is "Royal Mail 1st Class"; UK_RoyalMailSecondClassStandard is "Royal Mail 2nd Class"; UK_RoyalMailFirstClassRecorded is "Royal Mail 1st Class Signed For"; UK_RoyalMailSecondClassRecorded is "Royal Mail 2nd Class Signed For"; and UK_RoyalMailSpecialDeliveryNextDay is "Royal Mail Special Delivery; 1:00 pm".
  • DispatchTimeMaxDetails.DispatchTimeMax (modified): A DispatchTimeMax value of 0 indicates same day handling for an item, the timing of which depends on the order cut off time set in the seller's user preferences. For orders placed (and cleared payment received) before the local order cut off time, the item must be shipped by the end of the current day. For orders completed on or after the order cut off time, the item must be shipped by the end of the following day (excluding weekends and local holidays).
  • ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService (doc change): The decriptions of two USPS shipping services have changed. The service with the token "USPSFirstClassMailInternational" is now described as "USPS First Class Mail Intl / First Class Package Intl Service." The service with the token "USPSParcel" is now described as "USPS Parcel Select."
  • DispatchTimeMax (modified): A dispatch time value of '0' is not valid for use on eBay sites. If a listing with flat or calculated shipping has no handling time commitment, DispatchTimeMax is empty or is not returned.
  • ShippingServiceCodeType (modified): Enums for 4 new shipping services added for the eBay Australia site. The new shipping services are AU_ExpressPostSatchel3kg, AU_ExpressPostSatchel500g, AU_PrePaidParcelPostSatchels5kg and AU_RegisteredParcelPostPrepaidSatchel5kg.
  • ShippingServiceCodeType (modified): Enums for 39 new shipping services added for various eBay country sites. The new shipping services for Austria are AT_EconomyDeliveryFromAbroad, AT_ExpressDeliveryFromAbroad, AT_StandardDeliveryFromAbroad and AT_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new services for Belgium (French) are BEFR_EconomyDeliveryFromAbroad, BEFR_ExpressDeliveryFromAbroad, BEFR_StandardDeliveryFromAbroad and BEFR_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new services for Belgium (Dutch) are BENL_EconomyDeliveryFromAbroad, BENL_ExpressDeliveryFromAbroad, BENL_StandardDeliveryFromAbroad and BENL_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new services for Switzerland are CH_EconomyDeliveryFromAbroad, CH_ExpressDeliveryFromAbroad, CH_StandardDeliveryFromAbroad and CH_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new service for Germany is DE_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new services for Spain are ES_ENTREGA_KIALA_8KG, ES_ExpressDeliveryFromAbroad, ES_StandardDeliveryFromAbroad and ES_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new services for France are FR_KIALA_DELIVERY and FR_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new services for Ireland are IE_EconomyDeliveryFromAbroad, IE_ExpressDeliveryFromAbroad, IE_StandardDeliveryFromAbroad and IE_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new service for Italy is IT_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new services for the Netherlands are NL_EconomyDeliveryFromAbroad, NL_ExpressDeliveryFromAbroad, NL_StandardDeliveryFromAbroad and NL_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new services for Poland are PL_EconomyDeliveryFromAbroad, PL_ExpressDeliveryFromAbroad, PL_StandardDeliveryFromAbroad and PL_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad. The new services for the United Kingdom are UK_IntlTrackedPostage and UK_TrackedDeliveryFromAbroad.
  • DispatchTimeMaxDetails.ExtendedHandling (added): If true, this field indicates that the seller has specified a default handling time of 4 business days or more (an "exception handling time") in preferences. Sellers should be aware that long handling times might put off potential buyers.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.ShippingService (modified): New International shipping services added for UK and DE sites as part of the EU delivery estimate project. For UK, these new enumeration values are UK_ParcelForceIntlExpress, UK_ParcelForceIntlValue, and UK_ParcelForceIntlEconomy. For DE, these new enumeration values are DE_DeutschePostBriefIntlEcon and DE_DeutschePostBriefIntlPriority.
  • ReturnPolicyDetails.RestockingFeeValue (added): Container that consists of the enumeration values (and descriptions) that can be specified in the RestockingFeeValueOption field of the Add/Revise/Relist API calls.
  • ReturnPolicyDetails.Refund.RefundOption (modified): MoneyBackOrExchange value is now supported.
  • ShippingServiceCodeType (modified): 15 new shipping services added for the Australia and Canada sites. The nine new Australia carrier-specific shipping services include AU_AusPostRegisteredPostInternationalPaddedBag1kg, AU_AusPostRegisteredPostInternationalPaddedBag500g, AU_AusPostRegisteredPostInternationalParcel, AU_AustralianAirExpressFlatRate1kg, AU_AustralianAirExpressFlatRate3kg, AU_AustralianAirExpressFlatRate5kg, AU_AustralianAirExpressMetro15kg, AU_eBayAusPost3kgFlatRateSatchel, and AU_eBayAusPost500gFlatRateSatchel. The five new Australia generic service level shipping services include AU_EconomyDeliveryFromOutsideAU, AU_ExpeditedDeliveryFromOutsideAU, AU_ExpressDelivery, AU_Freight, and AU_StandardDelivery. The new Canada shipping service is CA_Freight.
  • ShippingCategoryDetails (added): This returns the classification of each shipping service, such as Standard, Expedited, Economy, and so on.
  • RecoupmentPolicyDetails (added): Added in preparation for the agreement Sellers will need to sign, so that eBay can settle disputes and then recoup the cost from the seller. (Not yet implemented.)
  • ExcludeShippingLocationDetails (added): Sellers can now exclude specific regions and countries from where they will ship items.
  • VariationDetails (added): Added variation validation rules (such as maximum number of variations allowed for a listing).
  • CountryDetailsType.DetailVersion, CountryDetailsType.UpdateTime, CurrencyDetailsType.DetailVersion, CurrencyDetailsType.UpdateTime, DispatchTimeMaxDetailsType.DetailVersion, DispatchTimeMaxDetailsType.UpdateTime, ItemSpecificDetailsType.DetailVersion, ItemSpecificDetailsType.UpdateTime, ListingStartPriceDetailsType.DetailVersion, ListingStartPriceDetailsType.UpdateTime, PaymentOptionDetailsType.DetailVersion, PaymentOptionDetailsType.UpdateTime, RegionDetailsType.DetailVersion, RegionDetailsType.UpdateTime, RegionOfOriginDetailsType.DetailVersion, RegionOfOriginDetailsType.UpdateTime, ReturnPolicyDetailsType.DetailVersion, ReturnPolicyDetailsType.UpdateTime, ShippingCarrierDetailsType.DetailVersion, ShippingCarrierDetailsType.UpdateTime, ShippingLocationDetailsType.DetailVersion, ShippingLocationDetailsType.UpdateTime, ShippingPackageDetailsType.DetailVersion, ShippingPackageDetailsType.UpdateTime, ShippingServiceDetailsType.DetailVersion, ShippingServiceDetailsType.UpdateTime, SiteBuyerRequirementDetailsType.DetailVersion, SiteBuyerRequirementDetailsType.UpdateTime, SiteDetailsType.DetailVersion, SiteDetailsType.UpdateTime, CurrencyDetailsType.DetailVersion, TaxJurisdictionType.UpdateTime, TaxJurisdictionType.DetailVersion, TimeZoneDetailsType.UpdateTime, TimeZoneDetailsType.DetailVersion, URLDetailsType.UpdateTime, URLDetailsType.DetailVersion, UnitOfMeasurementDetailsType.UpdateTime, and UnitOfMeasurementDetailsType.DetailVersion. (added): UpdateTime and DetailVersion fields added so developer's client cache can be more easily updated.
  • BuyerRequirementDetails (added): Site-specific buyer requirements are now returned in the GeteBayDetails response.
  • DetailName.PaymentOptionDetails (doc change): The DetailName.PaymentOptionDetails value should not be used. Formerly, this value was used for specifying information about a specific payment option. If you want such information, use GetCategoryFeatures.
  • PaymentOptionDetails.PaymentOption.IntegratedMerchantCreditCard (added): This payment method can apply if a seller has a payment gateway account.
  • ListingStartPriceDetails (added): Developers can now retrieve the start price for each eBay listing type.
  • ShippingServiceDetails: ShippingServicePackageDetails (with Name and DimensionsRequired) and WeightRequired (added): See Shipping documentation to learn about these elements related to calculated shipping and package dimensions.
  • ShippingPackageDetailsType: DimensionsSupported (added): See Shipping documentation to learn about these elements related to calculated shipping and package dimensions.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.CostGroupFlat (added): If returned, indicates the name of the shipping service group to which this shipping service belongs.
  • ReturnPolicyDetails (added): Indicates the return policy details that are supported on the specified site.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.DeprecationDetails (added): Mechanism by which details about a deprecation of a shipping service is announced.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.DeprecationDetails.AnnouncementStartTime (added): The start date of an announcement about an upcoming event.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.DeprecationDetails.EventTime (added): The date on which the event occurs and also the ending date of the announcement leading up to the event.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.DeprecationDetails.MessageType (added): The type of deprecation message displayed.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.MappedToShippingServiceID (added): The ID of shipping service that will be used instead of a deprecated shipping service.
  • ShippingServiceDetails.CODService (added): Indicates whether the shipping service is a Cash On Delivery shipping service.
  • PaymentOptionDetails.PaymentOption.PaisaPayEscrow, PaymentOptionDetails.PaymentOption.PaisaPayEscrowEMI (added): These values will be returned for items offering PaisaPayEscrow and PaisaPayEscrowEMI payment methods.
  • (doc change) If you use GeteBayDetails in preparation for listing in the US Motors Parts and Accessories categories, use site ID 0 when you call GeteBayDetails.
  • ShippingServiceDetails (added): New elements are returned with ShippingServiceDetails: DimensionsRequired, ServiceType, ShippingPackage, SurchargeApplicable, ValidForSellingFlow.
  • ItemSpecificsDetails, UnitOfMeasurementDetails, (added): Provides information about basic string validation rules and recommended unit of measure identifiers for custom Item Specifics.
  • TimeZoneDetails (added): Provides information about a specific eBay time zone. GeteBayDetails returns all time zones eBay supports.
  • DispatchTimeMaxDetails (added): The call response now includes DispatchTimeMaxDetails, which provides the allowable values for domestic handling time. DispatchTimeMaxDetails is also an allowable value for DetailName in the request.